Sunday 9 August 2015

The Final Week.

So, this is the final week and time for us to bring everything together. On Monday we have a rehearsal for the GA expo which will happen on Wednesday. We also need to have our campaign t-shirts designed and created before the final expo. We should also have some time for more street art as-well.
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's performances and all our campaigns being put into action (and remember, there are prizes for the best performances!!).

Thursday 6 August 2015

The Pressure is On....

Now is the final time for finishing up our campaigns! We need to make sure that our research, posters and performances etc. are all ready for the rehearsal on Monday and the final expo shortly after. So the pressure is on. Teamwork is certainly going to be of the essence now... Good luck and enjoy!

Sunday 2 August 2015

What's next for the week ahead...

It's great to see all the street art around the KMLA campus (thankfully the rain over the weekend hasn't succeeded in washing it all away). Check out each class page on the right panel to see a selection of each group's art work. Hopefully, there will be time over the next two weeks to add to the campaign with more of the same.
In the meantime, our campaigns can be really start to get on track with pertinent research and investigations backed up by excellent art and performance initiatives, and whatever else is necessary to get the word out there.
A busy week ahead, but really looking forward to it!

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Global Awareness at GLPS is a chance to make your voice heard. Whether you are concerned about animal welfare, pollution, or human rights, Global Awareness is your opportunity to explore and promote the issues that are important to you as well as learning about the problems that shape our world today.
Of course, an awareness campaign cannot just stay in the classroom; it has to be out there in the world. This blog is one of the ways in which you can present your views and concerns to others. It is also a way for you to keep a record of your work and to check your progress throughout the course.

Global Awareness is about creativity, ideas, action and the power of effective communication in making the world a better place.